Why You Should Not Cut-Up All Your Credit Cards

Every month, we receive our credit card statements via email or post. Every month, some will open the statements immediately, and some will either tear them up and get rid of them or leave them in the far reaches of the room,invisible to the naked eye.This age-old problem is the one we find ourselves struggling […]
Removing Collections from Credit Reports

Debtsin collections are a common form of debt in the United States. About thirty-five percent of people have a type of debt in collections. But what is a collection, and why should you remove it? Is it important? Having a debt in collections can seriously harm your credit score and report. Avoiding your late payments and debt […]
What is the Difference Between a Home Equity Loan and a Line of Credit?

The primary benefit of homeownership is building up your equity. Your property can increase your wealth over time. This increase only comes about when you sell your home or borrow against it. When it comes to borrowing the money, there are many options to choose from;however, we will focus mainly on home equity loans(HELOANs) and home […]