Credit repair services have been around forever, and it’s easy to understand why: it seems that most people would rather have a bad credit score than pay off their bills and fix their credit history themselves! But before you get any service that promises to repair your bad credit, there are some things you should know about the industry. Here are the biggest things you need to know before getting any credit repair service.
1: Check Your Credit Report First
2: Research the Company
3: Avoid Companies That Guarantee Results
4: Be Wary of Companies That ask for Upfront Payment
c) Beware of credit monitoring offers from these companies; they often come with a monthly fee attached, which is not worth it at all! A better alternative is to sign up for credit cards from reliable banks, Capital One or Discover, which offer credit reports. These cards also have rewards programs, which will give you cash back or points towards flights, hotels, or other goodies!